Masculine Spirituality
Physical ♱ Intellectual ♱ Spiritual
What is Manhood?
Are you called to discover it?
Join us on the adventure into the discovery of Manhood. A journey into science and scripture, where Truth is revealed.
Join our Band of Brothers and become an explorer in this deepening discovery.
Created from primordial dirt and water, quickened by the aboriginal y chromosome “Breath of Life”, awakened in the Original Solitude, the Son of the Father has been made in the image and likeness of God the Father and the Son through whom he was made. The first made man is both creature and son, and imprinted on him are the qualities of his Creator and the Creation process, making Sonship a primary quality of manhood. The son is then mentored and formed in the Original Workshop, imprinting upon him the other fundamental qualities of manhood.
History is the story of men striving to understand the nature of God’s created universe. From the explorations of seas, continents, and mountains, to the subatomic realm of Quarks, and the vast expanse of space, men have been the driving force of discovery.
The inner drive of manhood is not satisfied with the discoveries of exploration. Deep within each man is the desire to create something good and meaningful for the project of human flourishing. Look around you. All that you see exists due to the creative force of manhood.
Ask yourself the question: What needs to be created for true human flourishing?
It may be said that the authentic man of virtue possesses the talents of explorer and creator so that he can fulfill his deep desire to provide for “the other”. Whether it be for his family or the greater family of man.
But what should be provided?
Do all the creations of men benefit the human family?
Are there creations of manhood that create confusion and run against human flourishing?
At the heart of everyman is a man of justice. Justice at its essence is the defense of the natural God created order of the universe that all creatures, by their very existence, pay homage to.
All men are called to a “fight to the death” (Belloc) against the forces of evil that attack this order. All men are called to be “Cosmic Patriots” (Chesterton).
Help us identify the forces that are attacking our families and Church. Help us build the battle plans that we need to defend them.
Joshua Chamberlain, Ernest Shakleton, Col. Harold Moore, Jocko Willink, Jordan Peterson….. What is it that these men had or have that all good men admire? In a word. Leadership.
Leaders integrate and build upon the masculine talents of Explorer, Creator, and Defender, using them to lead organizations and people in the pursuit of authentic human flourishing.
How does a world view affect belief of leadership?
What is True leadership?
A Father brings his talents of Creator, Provider, Defender, and Leader, to bear for the other human person. Having learned well the wisdom of how one navigates the world, he guides and mentors the other toward the development of their talents so they can move toward the greatness they were destined for.
How and where has God called you to sharpen your masculine skills so that you can be the mentor and father that God needs you to be?
The telos of the originally created son and man is shared by all men in the Original Solitude and in the Original Workshop where Deep is Calling to Deep, this is the shared foundation of Brotherhood. True brotherhood is developed, formed and nurtured in men by the mutual challenge found in work, problem solving, and competition.
The discipline of Brotherhood leads to effective fraternal correction, where a man exposes himself for correction and offers it in love to his brother.
Do you have a brother or Band of Brothers that you can do this with?
Listen to the ManCast Podcast
Join Peter, James, John, and the men of Wilderness Outreach on a weekly endeavor where we will discover, challenge, and embrace our God created manhood. Where we will talk about how to show up in the world today on the battlefield of Catholic manhood.
ManCast is live streamed on Facebook and YouTube and audio only archives can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Stitcher.
Use the links below to follow ManCast!
Upcoming expeditions and events
Manhood is active and transforming. Engage and build your manhood in one of our expeditions or events that will sharpen you physically, intellectually, and spiritually.
Engage, Participate, Donate.
It is time to build men for the new Apostolic Age. Your donation is key for that effort.
Get in touch.
Contact us to learn more about our mission and work, or to become involved yourself.
(614) 679-6761
Lancaster, OH 43130